· The Cibeles Capital Euphoria/Alarm
Index tries to identify when the market is over enthusiastic/pessimistic
regarding equity markets, in an effort to predict S&P500 returns. It is
important to read this index just as an indicator of positioning and sentiment,
rather than to try to understand the drivers of the returns that we are
forecasting fundamentally.
The index was constructed by using
weekly data from August 2006 through December 2010.
The model tries to forecast 6-month
forward returns on the S&P500 Index by using different positioning, risk
and sentiment indicators, such as: total outstanding shares in emerging
markets, open interest in Nasdaq and S&P500, Bull/Bear surveys, VIX,
Put/Call ratio, spread in AAA corporates securities and Investors’ Confidence.
All the variables were lagged 6 months.
In the out-of-sample period that
goes from January 2011 through February 20102, the index presents a 73.4%
correlation with the 6-month forward S&P500 returns (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Figure 2
On a rolling basis, the correlation
is pretty stable between 65% and 80%, and way above the statistical significant
value. This proves in some way the robustness of the model. (Figure 3)
Furthermore, 72.58% of the time, the model correctly predicts the direction of
the market. (this was calculated using the number of times that the forecast
lies in the same direction as the actual return of the S&P500)
Finally, the index suggests that
the six-month forward return of the S&P will be around 15%, with an average
gain of 5.4% (figure 1). This could be translated into a bullish signal, given
that the mean return over our sample period is around 1.5%. Moreover, if we
look to the individual indicators, three of them are one standard deviation above their 6-month moving z-score (Open interest, put/call and SSIC), and one indicator is 2 standard deviations away (bull-bear). (figure 4).
Figure 3
Figure 4
– USD domestic corporate AAA yield less US 5 years treasury
– Percentage of bullish investors over the next 6 months less the percentage of
bearish investors
– Weekly Bloomberg survey
– Total outstanding shares of MSCI emerging market ETF
– Put/Call ratio of equity options traded on CBOE
– State Street Investor Confidence
– Volatility Index
– Aggregation of open interest on Nasdaq 100 and S&P500